Displacement Mapping with Blender
By Anthony C. D'Agostino |
The Python Path
The first thing you should do after installing Python for your platform is to set the PYTHONPATH environmental variable properly, if it has not already been configured for you.
For Windows type
this on the command line and add it to autoexec.bat:
set PYTHONPATH=c:\Python\DLLs;c:\Python\Lib;.
For Linux type this
on the command line and add it to .bashrc:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python1.51/:.
The paths are separated
by semicolons for the Windows platform and colons for Linux. I add
a period at the end so that the current directory is searched as well.
This is absolutely necessary if a python script uses modules from a script
that is located in the current directory. Please note that the example
paths listed above may be different than those on your computer.