Blender : Modelling clouds or
mist with Blender
By Saraja Olivier |
Call the Texture Buttons (F6-KEY or ) and add a new texture (ADD NEW) by clicking on the button. A row of texture types should appear. Pick in order to access the cloud procedural texture parameters. Set NoiseSize: 2.000 and NoiseDepth: 1.
Let's go back into the Material Buttons (F4-KEY or ) to tune our parameters. In the right area devoted to the texture parameters, replace the default pink colour by an immaculate white : R 1.000, G 1.000 and B 1.000 (a light green or grey could be very good looking in the case of a mist). Activate the Col and Alpha buttons. Set SizeX 0.500 and SizeY 2.000. At last, set the Alpha channel with the Var 0.250 slider. These last parameters will certainly have to be adjusted in the case of a mist (in particular, you can try to set SizeX and SizeY to 0.250 or 2.000 and see the result).
Good looking, isn't it ?