Blender : Modelling clouds or mist with Blender
By Saraja Olivier

S  t  e  p    6 :

Call the Material Buttons (F4-KEY or ). With your emitter selected, add a new material (ADD NEW) by clicking on the  button. Turn your physical particles system into a luminous halo system by activating the  button. Activate the  button, which will be useful during the next (and last) step.  Set the Halo colour to R 1.000, G 1.000 and B 1.000. The followinf parameters should each time adjusted to the results you want to achieve, but these values are a good starting basis : HaloSize: 0.40, Alpha 0.250 and Hard 30. Hard and Add are the two essential parameters, as it could get tricky to adjust these both parameters to achieve your goal.