Blender : Animating smoke with Blender
By Saraja Olivier

I  n  t  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  o  n

We often say that there are seldom smoke without fire, but if you underwent the previous tutorial, you would like to add some smoke to your fire, wouldn't you ? We will fix this easily and quickly, because if you have understood how to build a fire, making smoke will be totally painless.
In fact, the method will be exactly the same. We will define an emitter and its particles system, we will choose appropriate material properties and give the particles Halo a nice texture. All of this sounds familar, huh ? So you will forgive me for the many cut and paste between the two tutorials ;o)))

Important note : during the turorials about animation of fire and smoke with Blender, you should remember that the particles systems don't always have the expected behavior in the close vicinity of the emitter. For this reason, we suggest you to build your scenes in order to have your emitter away under the floor, for example. Anyway, you will see by yourself, while making your first renderings with this tutorials, what's wrong if you keep the emitter exactly facing the camera. Happy blendering !