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Curves menu

Most of the commands (except "Convert into curves") are only available in Edit Mode and by the Curves floating toolbox. Curves are often called Bezier curves (Bezier was the french mathematician who invented them).

Allow to modify only one handful on a knot in Bezier Mode.

Transform a straight angle by smoothing it (Bezier). Select the knot(s) then apply.

Make handfuls of Bezier curves symmetric. You have identical segments.

Transform a curves (Bezier knots) into a line (straight angles).

The opposite of the previous command.

Delete knots
Choose a knot and delete it.

Add a knot
First click where you want the knot to be placed (a dot appears) click this command... you have added a knot.

Join knots
You can merge 2 ends by selecting knots (click on the first one then old <shift> and click on the second) and join them. Essential if you want to close a curve.

Cut the curve
Select the point and cut the curve at this point.

Associate Bézier
You can merge 2 Beziers curves with this command.
First go out of the Edit Mode (spacebar), select the 2 curves and launch this command. You obtain 1 object.

Separate Bézier
First verify that the curve comes from a association of different segments. If it's not the case, use "Cut the curve". You will obtain as many individual objects as segments.

Convert into curves
This command allows you to transform a text into curves.
You must do this if you want to transform it into a mask or if you want to use it with transformations.
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