F l o a t i n g   t o o l b o x e s


This toolbox is available only in Edit Mode.
here are essentials functions to create/manage Bezier curves.

Asymmetric angle
Allows to modify only one handful of a curve.

Semi-symmetric angle
Allows to modify only one handful but keep the symmetry.

Symmetric angle
Perfect symmetry on the size and orientation of a knot.

Join knots
You can join/merge 2 ends by selecting the concerned knots and applying this command.
Essential if you want to close a curve.

Cut the curve
Select the point where you want to cut the curve and click !

Add a knot
First click where you want to place, a point appear, then use this command to create the knot.

Delete knots
Choose a knot and delete it.

Allows you to convert a curve with Bezier knots into a line with straight angles.

The opposite of the previous command.
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