M e n u s

Effects Menu
Flip horizontally

Flip the current object(s) horizontally

Flip vertically
Flip the current object(s) vertically

Remove transformation

Some objects have an intrinsic geometry, like text objects, where the geometry is defined by the font and the font size, and bitmap images or EPS files. Any transformations (rotations, reflections, ...) later applied are stored in the object. Remove Transformation reverts these objects to their natural size and orientation.

This command opens the Blend floating toolbox.
Blending only work with 2 objects : the first and the last element. You must select this 2 elements ( a circle and a rectangle for example) and the Blend tool will automatically generate x intermediate elements. This tool is very useful to create complex color gradations.
More details at Floating toolboxes and Special affects.

Cancel Blend
Cancel Blending.

Create a mask
This is useful to create intersection between objects.
For example, you want to create a text filled with a texture.
Import the image designed to be the background. Cut it according to the desired text (select the 2 objects and apply "Create a Mask". Please note that this command will work only with curves, not with groups... first ungroup them). The hierarchy of objects on the layer is not neutral: it's the object at the top of the stack that cuts.
The following image shows a group of object (the head of the paintbrush), the mask is a circle. It is possible to modify the size of the circle : it will modify the size of all the objects grouped with the circle (here the head of the paintbrush) and create a zoom effect (note that the paintbrush behind is a copy made before the creation of the mask).

You can find an example with the detailed method in the special effects rubric.

Create a text on path
This function allows you to create a text that "follows" a path.
Create a text, a curve and select them. At that time, the function is available and once applied, the text will follow the curve. Then you can modify the text and the curve as you want.
If you right click on the selected object, the menu will offer you 2 options: rotated letters or skewed letters. With this menu you can also select the text or the letters to modify them. Here are examples of the result with the 2 options:

Text on a path can have either rotated letters...

or skewed letters.

You can find an example with the detailed method in the special effects rubric.
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