C o n c e p t s

How to transform a text into an object ?

The text tool
Click on the icon and then in the work area to place the text at the cursor position.
Holding the mouse button allows you to pitch the text.
A right click makes the "fonts dialog box appear".
See the fonts rubric of the "floating toolboxes" section for more details.

Transforming a text into an object
This method consists into converting a group of letters into Bezier curves.
This will allow you to modify them as you want.
This transformation (also called "vectorization" in other softwares) has another big advantage: people who don't have the used fonts installed on their system, can even see the text (very interesting for multi-platforms works).
The disadvantage comes from the fact that a vectorized text is definitely fixed, you cannot correct it.

Example of a vectorization then a transformation.

Type the text, select it, click on "Curves" -> "Convert into curves" then if you want to edit it, click on "Dispose" -> "Ungroup"

You can only vectorize fonts Sketch recognize the .pfb file. You can lace it in fonts directory of Sketch : /usr/lib/sketch-0.6.5/Ressources/Fontmetrics (if you use .rpms) or modify the /usr/lib/sketch-0.6.5/Sketch/Base/config.py file in witch you must add the path to  the .pfb files in the "font_path" section.
See fonts and adding fonts sections for more details.
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