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1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 4 # lastupdate 12-10-2014 5 6 LADATE=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) 7 8 9 # quelques couleurs ;-) 10 rouge='\e[0;31m' 11 rose='\e[1;31m' 12 COLTITRE='\e[0;33m' 13 jaune='\e[1;33m' 14 vert='\e[0;32m' 15 bleu='\e[1;34m' 16 neutre='\e[0;m' 17 18 # echo -e "$COLTITRE" 19 echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" 20 echo "-------------- Mise en place du systeme ----------------" 21 echo "------------------------------------------------- -------------------" 22 # echo -e "$vert" 23 # echo "- Choisir le mode expert pour avoir toutes les possibilités d'installation coté clients" 24 # echo "- Choisir le mode standard pour avoir uniquement la possibilité d'installer xfce en mode auto" 25 # echo -e "$neutre" 26 # echo "Appuyez sur Entree pour continuer" 27 # read -t 10 dummy 28 # 29 30 #echo "---- Mode (e)xpert ou (s)tandard ? --- e/s" 31 #read -t 10 CHOIX 32 #CHOIX=e 33 34 35 if egrep -q "^6.0" /etc/debian_version; then 36 echo "Votre serveur est bien version Debian Squeeze" 37 echo "Le script peut se poursuivre" 38 else 39 echo "Votre serveur n'est pas en version Squeeze." 40 echo "Operation annulee !" 41 exit 1 42 fi 43 44 45 # [ "$1" = "miroir-local" ] && MIROIR_LOCAL="yes" 46 47 # Chemin source 48 src="$(pwd)" 49 50 . /etc/se3/config_c.cache.sh 51 . /etc/se3/config_d.cache.sh 52 . /etc/se3/config_m.cache.sh 53 . /etc/se3/config_l.cache.sh 54 . /etc/se3/config_s.cache.sh 55 56 # Pour recuperer la valeur MIROIR_LOCAL,... dans se3db 57 . /etc/se3/config_o.cache.sh 58 59 . /usr/share/se3/includes/functions.inc.sh 60 61 [ -e /root/debug ] && DEBUG="yes" 62 63 # Lire la valeur de MIROIR_LOCAL et MIROIR_IP et CHEMIN_MIROIR dans la base MySQL ? 64 MIROIR_LOCAL=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='MiroirAptCliLin';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 65 if [ "$MIROIR_LOCAL" = "yes" ]; then 66 MIROIR_IP=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='MiroirAptCliLinIP';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 67 CHEMIN_MIROIR=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='MiroirAptCliLinChem';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 68 fi 69 70 CliLinNoPreseed=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='CliLinNoPreseed';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 71 CliLinXfce64=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='CliLinXfce64';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 72 CliLinLXDE=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='CliLinLXDE';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 73 CliLinGNOME=$(echo "SELECT value FROM params WHERE name='CliLinGNOME';"|mysql -N $dbname -u$dbuser -p$dbpass) 74 75 76 echo "Extraction de install_client_linux_archive-tftp.tar.gz." 77 tar -xzf ./install_client_linux_archive-tftp.tar.gz 78 79 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then 80 echo "Erreur lors de l'extraction de l'archive." 81 exit 1 82 fi 83 84 # verif présence se3-clonage 85 if [ ! -e "/usr/share/se3/scripts/se3_pxe_menu_ou_pas.sh" ]; then 86 echo "installation du module Clonage" 87 /usr/share/se3/scripts/install_se3-module.sh se3-clonage 88 fi 89 90 # verif présence paquet client-linux 91 clients_linux_path="/home/netlogon/clients-linux" 92 if [ ! -e "$clients_linux_path" ]; then 93 apt-get install se3-clients-linux -y --force-yes 94 fi 95 96 # rights fix and directories 97 setfacl -m u:www-data:rx $clients_linux_path 98 setfacl -m d:u:www-data:rx $clients_linux_path 99 100 101 chmod 777 /tmp 102 103 rm -rf /home/netlogon/clients-linux/install 104 rm -rf /var/www/install 105 repinstall="/home/netlogon/clients-linux/install" 106 replink="/var/www/install" 107 108 mkdir -p $repinstall 109 chmod 755 $repinstall 110 111 chown root $repinstall 112 ln -s $repinstall $replink 113 114 115 116 # verif présence mkpasswd 117 if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/mkpasswd" ]; then 118 apt-get install whois -y 119 fi 120 121 # =============================================================================================== 122 # On verifie si le menu Install fait reference ou non a debian-installer 123 t=$(grep "Installation Debian" /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/install.menu) 124 t2=$(grep "Installation Ubuntu" /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/install.menu) 125 if [ -z "$t" ] ; then 126 echo " LABEL Installation Debian wheezy 127 MENU LABEL ^Installation Debian 128 KERNEL menu.c32 129 APPEND pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 130 " >> /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/install.menu 131 fi 132 133 if [ -z "$t2" ] ; then 134 echo " 135 LABEL Installation Ubuntu et xubuntu trusty 136 MENU LABEL ^Installation ubuntu 137 KERNEL menu.c32 138 APPEND pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 139 " >> /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/install.menu 140 # cp $src/install.menu /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/ 141 fi 142 143 if [ -e /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/install.menu ]; then 144 t=$(grep "Installation Debian" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/install.menu) 145 t=$(grep "Installation Ubuntu" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/install.menu) 146 if [ -z "$t" ]; then 147 cp /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/install.menu /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/install.menu.$LADATE 148 cp /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/install.menu /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ 149 fi 150 else 151 if [ ! -e "/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/maintenance.menu" ]; then 152 echo "Le menu d installation Debian n est propose qu avec le menu tftp semi-graphique." 153 echo "configuration du mode semi-graphique" 154 echo "Mise en place du mot de passe temporaire ci-dessous pour acceder au menu maintenance" 155 CHANGEMYSQL "tftp_pass_menu_pxe" "Linux" 156 echo "----> Linux <----- mis en place. A changer au plus vite depuis l'interface de configuration tftp" 157 sleep 5 158 /usr/share/se3/scripts/set_password_menu_tftp.sh Linux 159 fi 160 fi 161 cp $src/inst_wheezy.cfg $src/inst_buntu.cfg /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ 162 # =============================================================================================== 163 164 # =============================================================================================== 165 # echo "Menage prealable" 166 rm -fr /tftpboot/debian-installer 167 rm -fr /tftpboot/ubuntu-installer 168 169 170 echo "Telechargement du paquet netboot debian wheezy..." 171 cd /root 172 173 if [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ]; then 174 if [ -e "netboot-debian.tar.gz" ] && [ -e "netboot64-debian.tar.gz" ] && [ -e "netboot-ubuntu.tar.gz" ] ; then 175 echo "Fichier netboot PXE existants sur le serveur" 176 # cp $src/install.menu /tftpboot/tftp_modeles_pxelinux.cfg/menu/ 177 else 178 rm -f netboot*.tar.gz 179 wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot-debian.tar.gz 180 wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot64-debian.tar.gz 181 wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot-ubuntu.tar.gz 182 fi 183 184 else 185 rm -f netboot*.tar.gz 186 wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot-debian.tar.gz 187 wget http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot64-debian.tar.gz 188 wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz -O netboot-ubuntu.tar.gz 189 fi 190 191 192 echo "extraction du fichier netboot.tar.gz" 193 tar -xzf netboot-debian.tar.gz 194 tar -xzf netboot64-debian.tar.gz 195 tar -xzf netboot-ubuntu.tar.gz 196 197 mv debian-installer /tftpboot/ 198 mv ubuntu-installer /tftpboot/ 199 rm -f /root/pxelinux.0 /root/pxelinux.cfg /root/version.info 200 201 202 # http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz 203 204 205 cp $src/post-install* $src/preseed*.cfg $src/mesapplis*.txt $src/bashrc $src/inittab $src/tty1.conf /var/remote_adm/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /var/www/install/ 206 chmod 755 /var/www/install/preseed* /var/www/install/post-install_debian_wheezy.sh 207 208 if [ -e "/home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/integration/integration_wheezy.bash" ]; then 209 cp /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/integration/integration_wheezy.bash /var/www/install/ 210 chmod 755 /var/www/install/integration_wheezy.bash 211 fi 212 # =============================================================================================== 213 rm -f /var/www/paquet_cles_pub_ssh.tar.gz 214 if [ ! -e "/var/www/paquet_cles_pub_ssh.tar.gz" ]; then 215 echo "Generation d un paquet de cles pub ssh d apres vos authorized_keys" 216 cd /root/.ssh 217 for fich_authorized_keys in authorized_keys authorized_keys2 /var/www/install/id_rsa.pub 218 do 219 if [ -e "$fich_authorized_keys" ]; then 220 while read A 221 do 222 comment=$(echo "$A"|cut -d" " -f3) 223 if [ -n "$comment" -a ! -e "$comment.pub" ]; then 224 echo "$A" > $comment.pub 225 fi 226 done < $fich_authorized_keys 227 fi 228 done 229 tar -czf /var/www/paquet_cles_pub_ssh.tar.gz *.pub 230 fi 231 232 233 234 # =============================================================================================== 235 236 CRYPTPASS="$(echo "$xppass" | mkpasswd -s -m md5)" 237 [ -z "$ntpserv" ] && ntpserv="ntp.ac-creteil.fr" 238 239 echo "Correction du fichier TFTP inst_inst_wheezy.cfg pour ajout IP du Se3" 240 241 242 sed -i "s|###_IP_SE3_###|$se3ip|g" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 243 sed -i "s|###_IP_SE3_###|$se3ip|g" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 244 245 [ "$CliLinNoPreseed" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#INSTALL_LIBRE_SANS_PRESEED||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 246 [ "$CliLinNoPreseed" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#INSTALL_LIBRE_SANS_PRESEED||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 247 248 [ "$CliLinXfce64" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#XFCE64||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 249 [ "$CliLinXfce64" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#XFCE64||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 250 251 [ "$CliLinLXDE" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#LXDE||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 252 [ "$CliLinLXDE" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#LXDE||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 253 254 [ "$CliLinGNOME" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#GNOME||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_wheezy.cfg 255 [ "$CliLinGNOME" = "yes" ] && sed -i "s|^#GNOME||" /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/inst_buntu.cfg 256 257 if [ "$MIROIR_LOCAL" != "yes" ]; then 258 echo "Installation et configuration de apt-cacher-ng pour se3" 259 echo "Le cache sera dans /var/se3/apt-cacher-ng" 260 apt-get install apt-cacher-ng -y 261 rm -f /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf.* 262 mv /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf.$LADATE 263 cat > /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf <<END 264 CacheDir: /var/se3/apt-cacher-ng 265 LogDir: /var/log/apt-cacher-ng 266 Port:9999 267 Remap-debrep: file:deb_mirror*.gz /debian ; file:backends_debian 268 Remap-uburep: file:ubuntu_mirrors /ubuntu ; file:backends_ubuntu 269 Remap-debvol: file:debvol_mirror*.gz /debian-volatile ; file:backends_debvol 270 Remap-cygwin: file:cygwin_mirrors /cygwin # ; file:backends_cygwin # incomplete, please create this file 271 ReportPage: acng-report.html 272 VerboseLog: 1 273 ExTreshold: 4 274 END 275 276 # securisation acces admin pass adminse3 277 echo "AdminAuth: admin:$xppass" > /etc/apt-cacher-ng/security.conf 278 chown apt-cacher-ng:apt-cacher-ng /etc/apt-cacher-ng/security.conf 279 chmod 600 /etc/apt-cacher-ng/security.conf 280 281 # config propre ubuntu 282 echo "http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" > /etc/apt-cacher-ng/backends_ubuntu 283 284 285 if [ ! -e /var/se3/apt-cacher-ng ]; then 286 mv /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng /var/se3/ 287 fi 288 289 service apt-cacher-ng restart 290 291 292 echo "Correction des fichiers de preseed wheezy" 293 294 295 for i in $(ls /var/www/install/preseed*.cfg) 296 do 297 sed -i "s|###_IP_SE3_###|$se3ip|g" $i 298 sed -i "s|###_PASS_ROOT_###|$CRYPTPASS|g" $i 299 sed -i "s|###_NTP_SERV_###|$ntpserv|g" $i 300 done 301 else 302 if [ -z "$MIROIR_IP" -o -z "$CHEMIN_MIROIR" ]; then 303 echo "--- Adresse du miroir ?" 304 read MIROIR_IP 305 echo "--- Chemin dans le miroir ?" 306 read CHEMIN_MIROIR 307 fi 308 309 echo "Correction des fichiers de preseed wheezy" 310 311 for i in $(ls /var/www/install/preseed*.cfg) 312 do 313 sed -i "s|###_IP_SE3_###:9999|$MIROIR_IP|g" $i 314 sed -i "s|###_IP_SE3_###|$se3ip|g" $i 315 sed -i "s|/debian|$CHEMIN_MIROIR|g" $i 316 sed -i "s|###_PASS_ROOT_###|$CRYPTPASS|g" $i 317 sed -i "s|###_NTP_SERV_###|$ntpserv|g" $i 318 done 319 fi 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 email=$(grep "^root=" /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf |cut -d"=" -f2) 328 if [ -z "$email" ]; then 329 email=root 330 fi 331 332 mailhub=$(grep "^mailhub=" /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf |cut -d"=" -f2) 333 if [ -z "$mailhub" ]; then 334 mailhub=mail 335 fi 336 337 rewriteDomain=$(grep "^rewriteDomain=" /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf |cut -d"=" -f2) 338 if [ -z "$rewriteDomain" ]; then 339 rewriteDomain=$dhcp_domain_name 340 fi 341 342 tmp_proxy=$(cat /etc/profile | grep http_proxy= | cut -d= -f2|sed -e 's|"||g'|sed -e "s|.*//||") 343 ip_proxy=$(echo "$tmp_proxy"|cut -d":" -f1) 344 port_proxy=$(echo "$tmp_proxy"|cut -d":" -f2) 345 346 347 echo "Generation du fichier de parametres /var/www/install/params.sh" 348 349 cat > /var/www/install/params.sh << END 350 email="$email" 351 mailhub="$mailhub" 352 rewriteDomain="$rewriteDomain" 353 354 # Parametres Proxy: 355 ip_proxy="$ip_proxy" 356 port_proxy="$port_proxy" 357 358 # Parametres SE3: 359 ip_se3="$se3ip" 360 nom_se3="$(hostname)" 361 nom_domaine="$dhcp_domain_name" 362 ocs="$inventaire" 363 364 # Parametres LDAP: 365 ip_ldap="$ldap_server" 366 ldap_base_dn="$ldap_base_dn" 367 END 368 369 chmod 755 /var/www/install/params.sh 370 371 [ -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/PAUSE ] && mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/PAUSE /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/NO-PAUSE 372 cp -r $src/unefois/* /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/ 373 cp /home/netlogon/clients-linux/bin/logon_perso /home/netlogon/clients-linux/bin/logon_perso-$LADATE 374 sed -i -r '/initialisation_perso[[:space:]]*\(\)/,/^\}/s/^([[:space:]]*)true/\1activer_pave_numerique/' /home/netlogon/clients-linux/bin/logon_perso 375 # cp $src/logon_perso /home/netlogon/clients-linux/bin/ 376 377 # if [ -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.config ];then 378 # rm -rf /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/config-save* 379 # mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.config /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/config-save-$LADATE 380 # fi 381 382 # if [ -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla ];then 383 # rm -rf /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/mozilla-save* 384 # mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/mozilla-save-$LADATE 385 # fi 386 387 [ ! -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.config ] && cp -r $src/.config /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/ 388 [ ! -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla ]&& cp -r $src/.mozilla /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/ 389 390 # cp -r $src/.config $src/.mozilla /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/ 391 rm -f /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla/firefox/default/prefs.js-save* 392 mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla/firefox/default/prefs.js /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla/firefox/default/prefs.js-save-$LADATE 393 cp /etc/skel/user/profil/appdata/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/default/prefs.js /home/netlogon/clients-linux/distribs/wheezy/skel/.mozilla/firefox/default/ 394 395 396 if [ ! -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\. ]; then 397 mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/all /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\. 398 else 399 cp /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/all/* /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\./ 400 rm -rf /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/all 401 fi 402 [ -e /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\* ] && mv /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\*/* /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\./ 403 rm -rf /home/netlogon/clients-linux/unefois/\^\* 404 405 406 bash /home/netlogon/clients-linux/.defaut/reconfigure.bash 407
Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |