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/se3-unattended/var/se3/unattended/install/linuxaux/opt/perl/lib/5.10.0/Memoize/ -> Expire.pm (source)

   2  package Memoize::Expire;
   3  # require 5.00556;
   4  use Carp;
   5  $DEBUG = 0;
   6  $VERSION = '1.00';
   8  # This package will implement expiration by prepending a fixed-length header
   9  # to the font of the cached data.  The format of the header will be:
  10  # (4-byte number of last-access-time)  (For LRU when I implement it)
  11  # (4-byte expiration time: unsigned seconds-since-unix-epoch)
  12  # (2-byte number-of-uses-before-expire)
  14  sub _header_fmt () { "N N n" }
  15  sub _header_size () { length(_header_fmt) }
  17  # Usage:  memoize func 
  18  #         TIE => [Memoize::Expire, LIFETIME => sec, NUM_USES => n,
  19  #                 TIE => [...] ]
  21  BEGIN {
  22    eval {require Time::HiRes};
  23    unless ($@) {
  24      Time::HiRes->import('time');
  25    }
  26  }
  28  sub TIEHASH {
  29    my ($package, %args) = @_;
  30    my %cache;
  31    if ($args{TIE}) {
  32      my ($module, @opts) = @{$args{TIE}};
  33      my $modulefile = $module . '.pm';
  34      $modulefile =~ s{::}{/}g;
  35      eval { require $modulefile };
  36      if ($@) {
  37        croak "Memoize::Expire: Couldn't load hash tie module `$module': $@; aborting";
  38      }
  39      my $rc = (tie %cache => $module, @opts);
  40      unless ($rc) {
  41        croak "Memoize::Expire: Couldn't tie hash to `$module': $@; aborting";
  42      }
  43    }
  44    $args{LIFETIME} ||= 0;
  45    $args{NUM_USES} ||= 0;
  46    $args{C} = \%cache;
  47    bless \%args => $package;
  48  }
  50  sub STORE {
  51    $DEBUG and print STDERR " >> Store $_[1] $_[2]\n";
  52    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
  53    my $expire_time = $self->{LIFETIME} > 0 ? $self->{LIFETIME} + time : 0;
  54    # The call that results in a value to store into the cache is the
  55    # first of the NUM_USES allowed calls.
  56    my $header = _make_header(time, $expire_time, $self->{NUM_USES}-1);
  57    $self->{C}{$key} = $header . $value;
  58    $value;
  59  }
  61  sub FETCH {
  62    $DEBUG and print STDERR " >> Fetch cached value for $_[1]\n";
  63    my ($data, $last_access, $expire_time, $num_uses_left) = _get_item($_[0]{C}{$_[1]});
  64    $DEBUG and print STDERR " >>   (ttl: ", ($expire_time-time()), ", nuses: $num_uses_left)\n";
  65    $num_uses_left--;
  66    $last_access = time;
  67    _set_header(@_, $data, $last_access, $expire_time, $num_uses_left);
  68    $data;
  69  }
  71  sub EXISTS {
  72    $DEBUG and print STDERR " >> Exists $_[1]\n";
  73    unless (exists $_[0]{C}{$_[1]}) {
  74      $DEBUG and print STDERR "    Not in underlying hash at all.\n";
  75      return 0;
  76    }
  77    my $item = $_[0]{C}{$_[1]};
  78    my ($last_access, $expire_time, $num_uses_left) = _get_header($item);
  79    my $ttl = $expire_time - time;
  80    if ($DEBUG) {
  81      $_[0]{LIFETIME} and print STDERR "    Time to live for this item: $ttl\n";
  82      $_[0]{NUM_USES} and print STDERR "    Uses remaining: $num_uses_left\n";
  83    }
  84    if (   (! $_[0]{LIFETIME} || $expire_time > time)
  85        && (! $_[0]{NUM_USES} || $num_uses_left > 0 )) {
  86          $DEBUG and print STDERR "    (Still good)\n";
  87      return 1;
  88    } else {
  89      $DEBUG and print STDERR "    (Expired)\n";
  90      return 0;
  91    }
  92  }
  94  # Arguments: last access time, expire time, number of uses remaining
  95  sub _make_header {
  96    pack "N N n", @_;
  97  }
  99  sub _strip_header {
 100    substr($_[0], 10);
 101  }
 103  # Arguments: last access time, expire time, number of uses remaining
 104  sub _set_header {
 105    my ($self, $key, $data, @header) = @_;
 106    $self->{C}{$key} = _make_header(@header) . $data;
 107  }
 109  sub _get_item {
 110    my $data = substr($_[0], 10);
 111    my @header = unpack "N N n", substr($_[0], 0, 10);
 112  #  print STDERR " >> _get_item: $data => $data @header\n";
 113    ($data, @header);
 114  }
 116  # Return last access time, expire time, number of uses remaining
 117  sub _get_header  {
 118    unpack "N N n", substr($_[0], 0, 10);
 119  }
 121  1;
 123  =head1 NAME 
 125  Memoize::Expire - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
 127  =head1 SYNOPSIS
 129    use Memoize;
 130    use Memoize::Expire;
 131    tie my %cache => 'Memoize::Expire',
 132                 LIFETIME => $lifetime,    # In seconds
 133               NUM_USES => $n_uses;
 135    memoize 'function', SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache ];
 137  =head1 DESCRIPTION
 139  Memoize::Expire is a plug-in module for Memoize.  It allows the cached
 140  values for memoized functions to expire automatically.  This manual
 141  assumes you are already familiar with the Memoize module.  If not, you
 142  should study that manual carefully first, paying particular attention
 143  to the HASH feature.
 145  Memoize::Expire is a layer of software that you can insert in between
 146  Memoize itself and whatever underlying package implements the cache.
 147  The layer presents a hash variable whose values expire whenever they
 148  get too old, have been used too often, or both. You tell C<Memoize> to
 149  use this forgetful hash as its cache instead of the default, which is
 150  an ordinary hash.
 152  To specify a real-time timeout, supply the C<LIFETIME> option with a
 153  numeric value.  Cached data will expire after this many seconds, and
 154  will be looked up afresh when it expires.  When a data item is looked
 155  up afresh, its lifetime is reset.
 157  If you specify C<NUM_USES> with an argument of I<n>, then each cached
 158  data item will be discarded and looked up afresh after the I<n>th time
 159  you access it.  When a data item is looked up afresh, its number of
 160  uses is reset.
 162  If you specify both arguments, data will be discarded from the cache
 163  when either expiration condition holds.
 165  Memoize::Expire uses a real hash internally to store the cached data.
 166  You can use the C<HASH> option to Memoize::Expire to supply a tied
 167  hash in place of the ordinary hash that Memoize::Expire will normally
 168  use.  You can use this feature to add Memoize::Expire as a layer in
 169  between a persistent disk hash and Memoize.  If you do this, you get a
 170  persistent disk cache whose entries expire automatically.  For
 171  example:
 173    #   Memoize
 174    #      |
 175    #   Memoize::Expire  enforces data expiration policy
 176    #      |
 177    #   DB_File  implements persistence of data in a disk file
 178    #      |
 179    #   Disk file
 181    use Memoize;
 182    use Memoize::Expire;
 183    use DB_File;
 185    # Set up persistence
 186    tie my %disk_cache => 'DB_File', $filename, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666];
 188    # Set up expiration policy, supplying persistent hash as a target
 189    tie my %cache => 'Memoize::Expire', 
 190                 LIFETIME => $lifetime,    # In seconds
 191               NUM_USES => $n_uses,
 192                       HASH => \%disk_cache; 
 194    # Set up memoization, supplying expiring persistent hash for cache
 195    memoize 'function', SCALAR_CACHE => [ HASH => \%cache ];
 197  =head1 INTERFACE
 199  There is nothing special about Memoize::Expire.  It is just an
 200  example.  If you don't like the policy that it implements, you are
 201  free to write your own expiration policy module that implements
 202  whatever policy you desire.  Here is how to do that.  Let us suppose
 203  that your module will be named MyExpirePolicy.
 205  Short summary: You need to create a package that defines four methods:
 207  =over 4
 209  =item 
 212  Construct and return cache object.
 214  =item 
 215  EXISTS
 217  Given a function argument, is the corresponding function value in the
 218  cache, and if so, is it fresh enough to use?
 220  =item
 221  FETCH
 223  Given a function argument, look up the corresponding function value in
 224  the cache and return it.
 226  =item 
 227  STORE
 229  Given a function argument and the corresponding function value, store
 230  them into the cache.
 232  =item
 233  CLEAR
 235  (Optional.)  Flush the cache completely.
 237  =back
 239  The user who wants the memoization cache to be expired according to
 240  your policy will say so by writing
 242    tie my %cache => 'MyExpirePolicy', args...;
 243    memoize 'function', SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache];
 245  This will invoke C<< MyExpirePolicy->TIEHASH(args) >>.
 246  MyExpirePolicy::TIEHASH should do whatever is appropriate to set up
 247  the cache, and it should return the cache object to the caller.
 249  For example, MyExpirePolicy::TIEHASH might create an object that
 250  contains a regular Perl hash (which it will to store the cached
 251  values) and some extra information about the arguments and how old the
 252  data is and things like that.  Let us call this object `C'.
 254  When Memoize needs to check to see if an entry is in the cache
 255  already, it will invoke C<< C->EXISTS(key) >>.  C<key> is the normalized
 256  function argument.  MyExpirePolicy::EXISTS should return 0 if the key
 257  is not in the cache, or if it has expired, and 1 if an unexpired value
 258  is in the cache.  It should I<not> return C<undef>, because there is a
 259  bug in some versions of Perl that will cause a spurious FETCH if the
 260  EXISTS method returns C<undef>.
 262  If your EXISTS function returns true, Memoize will try to fetch the
 263  cached value by invoking C<< C->FETCH(key) >>.  MyExpirePolicy::FETCH should
 264  return the cached value.  Otherwise, Memoize will call the memoized
 265  function to compute the appropriate value, and will store it into the
 266  cache by calling C<< C->STORE(key, value) >>.
 268  Here is a very brief example of a policy module that expires each
 269  cache item after ten seconds.
 271      package Memoize::TenSecondExpire;
 273      sub TIEHASH {
 274        my ($package, %args) = @_;
 275            my $cache = $args{HASH} || {};
 276        bless $cache => $package;
 277      }
 279      sub EXISTS {
 280        my ($cache, $key) = @_;
 281        if (exists $cache->{$key} && 
 282                $cache->{$key}{EXPIRE_TIME} > time) {
 283          return 1
 284        } else {
 285          return 0;  # Do NOT return `undef' here.
 286        }
 287      }
 289      sub FETCH {
 290        my ($cache, $key) = @_;
 291        return $cache->{$key}{VALUE};
 292      }
 294      sub STORE {
 295        my ($cache, $key, $newvalue) = @_;
 296        $cache->{$key}{VALUE} = $newvalue;
 297        $cache->{$key}{EXPIRE_TIME} = time + 10;
 298      }
 300  To use this expiration policy, the user would say
 302      use Memoize;
 303          tie my %cache10sec => 'Memoize::TenSecondExpire';
 304      memoize 'function', SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache10sec];
 306  Memoize would then call C<function> whenever a cached value was
 307  entirely absent or was older than ten seconds.
 309  You should always support a C<HASH> argument to C<TIEHASH> that ties
 310  the underlying cache so that the user can specify that the cache is
 311  also persistent or that it has some other interesting semantics.  The
 312  example above demonstrates how to do this, as does C<Memoize::Expire>.
 314  =head1 ALTERNATIVES
 316  Brent Powers has a C<Memoize::ExpireLRU> module that was designed to
 317  work with Memoize and provides expiration of least-recently-used data.
 318  The cache is held at a fixed number of entries, and when new data
 319  comes in, the least-recently used data is expired.  See
 320  L<http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=ExpireLRU>.
 322  Joshua Chamas's Tie::Cache module may be useful as an expiration
 323  manager.  (If you try this, let me know how it works out.)
 325  If you develop any useful expiration managers that you think should be
 326  distributed with Memoize, please let me know.
 328  =head1 CAVEATS
 330  This module is experimental, and may contain bugs.  Please report bugs
 331  to the address below.
 333  Number-of-uses is stored as a 16-bit unsigned integer, so can't exceed
 334  65535.
 336  Because of clock granularity, expiration times may occur up to one
 337  second sooner than you expect.  For example, suppose you store a value
 338  with a lifetime of ten seconds, and you store it at 12:00:00.998 on a
 339  certain day.  Memoize will look at the clock and see 12:00:00.  Then
 340  9.01 seconds later, at 12:00:10.008 you try to read it back.  Memoize
 341  will look at the clock and see 12:00:10 and conclude that the value
 342  has expired.  This will probably not occur if you have
 343  C<Time::HiRes> installed.
 345  =head1 AUTHOR
 347  Mark-Jason Dominus (mjd-perl-memoize+@plover.com)
 349  Mike Cariaso provided valuable insight into the best way to solve this
 350  problem.
 352  =head1 SEE ALSO
 354  perl(1)
 356  The Memoize man page.
 358  http://www.plover.com/~mjd/perl/Memoize/  (for news and updates)
 360  I maintain a mailing list on which I occasionally announce new
 361  versions of Memoize.  The list is for announcements only, not
 362  discussion.  To join, send an empty message to
 363  mjd-perl-memoize-request@Plover.com.
 365  =cut

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1