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/se3-domain/home/netlogon/domscripts/ -> execute-elevated.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * GENERAL
   3   * =======
   4   * Author : Rainer Meier <skybeam (at) users.sourceforge.net>
   5   * Version: 1.0
   6   * License: GPLv2
   7   * 
   9   * ===========
  10   * This script allows execution of another script (given by parameter) in
  11   * elevated privileges mode on Windows Vista with UAC activated.
  12   * 
  13   * This is required as there seems to be no possibility to run a batch/cmd
  14   * script on Windows Vista with elevated rights. Even if you right-click a
  15   * cmd script and select to run it as Administrator it does not get elevated
  16   * rights.
  17   * 
  18   * USAGE
  19   * =====
  20   * This script here just allows you to call any script (batch, cscript ...)
  21   * with elevated rights.
  22   * 
  23   * NOTE: To run WPKG in elevated mode you can either write a batch file which
  24   * is calling 'cscript \\path\to\wpkg.js ...' or run cscript directly by this
  25   * script.
  26   * Running batch file:
  27   * <script> \\path\to\<batch-name.cmd> [optional arguments]
  28   * Running cscript:
  29   * <script> cscript \\path\to\wpkg.js <argument1> [argument2 [argument3 [...]]]
  30   * 
  31   * NOTE: Running cscript directly does not allow you to set custom environment
  32   * variables like the common SOFTWARE variable! Running this script here from a
  33   * batch script which is setting the variables will not work as the environment
  34   * of the child process which is run in elevated mode is reset to the windows
  35   * defaults.
  36   * So the following execution chain won't work (wpkg.js will not see the
  37   * exported SOFTWARE variable):
  38   * <set SOFTWARE variable> => execute-elevated.js => (elevated) wpkg.js
  39   * Only the following will work:
  40   * execute-elevated.js => (elevated) <batch to set SOFTWARE> => wpkg.js
  41   * This also works with the exisiting wrapper:
  42   * execute-elevated.js => (elevated) <batch to set SOFTWARE> => wrapper.js
  43   * 
  44   * Here is some sample code you can use for your own batch file. I use this one
  45   * to install all software which belongs to a specific profile to the current
  46   * machine. No matter what its name is - I always use the same profile. This is
  47   * useful for example if you need to upgrade your default bunch of software on
  48   * a customer machine.
  49   * 
  50   * @echo off
  51   * echo Running WPKG
  52   * set WPKG_PATH=\\software\RemInst\wpkg\wrapper.js
  53   * set SOFTWARE=\\software\RemInst\software
  54   * set SETTINGS=\\software\RemInst\settings
  55   * set PROFILE=autosetup
  56   *
  57   * start /wait "wpkg" cscript "%WPKG_PATH%" /synchronize /profile:%PROFILE%
  58   * 
  59   * 
  61   * ================
  62   * Please note that using this script here is not required when launching
  63   * WPKG from WPKG client (as a system service) as the system service does
  64   * not require to elevate its privileges. This script is only required if you
  65   * want to MANUALLY invoke wpkg.js/wrapper.js on a Windows Vista system with
  66   * UAC enabled.
  67   * 
  68   * Also note that the paths to the scripts specified should be UNC paths as
  69   * elevated programs cannot access network drives which are eventually
  70   * available when launching this script. So don't use something like
  71   * Z:\wpkg\wpkg.js but use \\server\share\wpkg\wpkg.js instead.
  72   */
  73  function showUsage() {
  74      var scriptName = WScript.ScriptName;
  75      var message = "\
  76  Usage: \n";
  77      message += scriptName + "<command> [[argument1 [argument2 ...]]]\n\n";
  78      message += "\
  79  Example:\n";
  80      message += scriptName + " \\\\path\\"+"to\\my-custom-wpkg-caller.cmd\n"
  81      message += scriptName + " \\\\path\\"+"to\\my-custom-wpkg-caller.cmd /synchronize\n";
  82      message += scriptName + " cscript \\\\path\\"+"to\\wpkg.js /synchronize";
  83      WScript.Echo(message);
  84  }
  86  /**
  87   * Call the main function with arguments while catching all errors and
  88   * forwarding them to the error output.
  89   */
  90  try {
  91      main();
  92  } catch (e) {
  93      var message = "Message:      " + e.message + "\n" +
  94                  "Description:  " + e.description + "\n" +
  95                  "Error number: " + hex(e.number) + "\n" +
  96                  "Stack:        " + e.stack  + "\n" +
  97                  "Line:         " + e.lineNumber;
  98      WScript.Echo(message);
  99      WScript.Quit(2);
 100  }
 102  /**
 103   * Main execution method. Actually runs the script
 104   */
 105  function main() {
 106      // get arguments
 107      var argv = WScript.Arguments;
 109      // check argument count
 110      if ( argv.length < 1 ) {
 111          showUsage();
 112          WScript.Quit(1)
 113      }
 115      // parse command and arguments
 116      var command = argv(0);
 117      var args = "";
 118      for (var i=1; i<argv.length; i++) {
 119          args += " " + argv(i);
 120      }
 122      // evaluate working directory - command is run from that directory
 123      var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
 124      var path = WScript.ScriptFullName;
 125      workdir = fso.GetParentFolderName(path);
 127      var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
 128      command = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(command);
 129      args = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(args);
 131      // var shellExec = shell.exec(cmd);
 132      var appShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
 133      var shellExec = appShell.ShellExecute(command, args, workdir, "runas");
 134  }
 136  /**
 137   * User-defined function to format error codes.
 138   * VBScript has a Hex() function but JScript does not.
 139   */
 140  function hex(nmb) {
 141      if (nmb > 0) {
 142          return nmb.toString(16);
 143      } else {
 144          return (nmb + 0x100000000).toString(16);
 145      }
 146  }

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1