Stronghold 3 Gold - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Stronghold 3 Gold

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Stronghold 3 Gold 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2.5D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Top-Down Fight of Units ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Strategy; Simulation; Historical; Medieval; City-Building; Resource Management; Classic; Atmospheric; Open World; Sandbox; Co-op ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single & Multi
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2015-02-22 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14631

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A real-time strategy and a castle-building game 📜️[fr]: Le 3ème volet d'une série de jeux de stratégie de tactique (attaque & défense de château au travers de missions) et de gestion de ressources (productivité du village et gestion de ressources)

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
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💰 Commercial
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(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

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📕 Description [en]

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Stronghold 3 is the long-awaited third installment in the award winning castle-building series. Set 10 years after the original, the Wolf it seems, has cheated death and during his painful recovery he’s become even more bitter and twisted. Now he seeks revenge. Raiding villages and towns during the dead of night, the Wolf has created a tide of panic and you and your allies are the only force that stand against him. In this stunning new update to the world’s favorite Castle Sim - will you triumph by day or die by night?

Stronghold 3 Gold now includes 11 new PC maps created by community users, including: 3 Siege Maps, 2 Freebuild Maps and 6 Multiplayer Maps.

🌍️ Wikipedia:
Stronghold 3 is a 2011 real-time strategy computer game developed by Firefly Studios and published by SouthPeak Games. The game is the seventh in the series after several spin-offs, including a remake, Stronghold: Crusader Extreme, and an MMORTS. It is the sequel to Stronghold, released in 2001, and Stronghold 2 released in 2005. Unlike previous games in the series which were published by Take-Two Interactive, the game has been published by SouthPeak Games, the new parent company of Gamecock Media Group, publisher of Stronghold Crusader Extreme.



The original Stronghold told the story of The Boy and his quest for revenge against Duc de Puce (The Rat), Duc Beauregard (The Snake), Duc de Truffe (The Pig) and Duc Volpe (The Wolf) for the ambush and murder of his father. After the capture of the King abroad, enemy invasion, civil war and his father's ambush en route to negotiate a treaty with The Snake, The Boy was pushed back to a forest on an overlooked peninsula. It was here that he found a small band of troops still loyal to the King and, with the help of Lord Woolsack and Sir Longarm, began to take back the country county by county. Eventually The Boy confronted The Wolf in his tower, after an intense battle he impaled the enigmatic Wolf on his sword and threw him to what he thought was his death.


Set 10 years later, Stronghold 3 follows the continuing story of The Boy. The Wolf, it seems, has cheated death and become bitter, twisted and psychotic during his painful recovery in the east. Now it is he who seeks revenge. By raiding towns and villages in the dead of night The Wolf has created a tide of panic, with The Boy and his allies the only force to stand against him.

In the Economic Campaign, which takes place after the end of the military campaign. The Boy helps rebuild the Abbey destroyed during the war.(The boy does not help rebuild the abbey if he dies at the end of the military campaign, killed by The Wolf.)


Players are able to choose between two single-player campaigns. A story-driven military campaign that chronicles The Wolf's return through a series of traditional real-time strategy missions and a sim-based economic campaign that has the player focus almost entirely on village productivity and resource management. Both campaigns are fully narrated, telling their stories with a series of black and white graphical novel interludes. Players are also able to 'change history' by choosing whether to attack or defend a number of historical castles in the game's castle siege mode.

The game engine utilises Havok physics, which influences the effectiveness of burning log traps and causes buildings and castle walls to crumble realistically. In addition the game engine features a new weather system and advanced lighting.

Buildings in Stronghold 3 are more dynamic than before, with the housing capacity and appearance of hovels changing the further they are built from the player's keep. Castle construction is no longer confined to a grid-based system.

A new fog-of-war mechanic was introduced for night-time game play, during which all areas outside of the immediate vicinity of the player's castle are hidden in darkness. However, players are able to use torch-holding peasants and other fire-based devices to explore the map at night. They can also illuminate specific areas by setting fire to watch towers.

The option for players to launch diseased cows from trebuchets has returned, in addition to smaller animals like pigs and sheep. A Facebook competition was run to let fans vote on the final animal ammunition type, with a sack of diseased badgers eventually making the cut.

The game currently lacks a Kingmaker or skirmish mode, as available in previous Stronghold titles. In a post on their website Firefly announced plans to add in "features that didn’t make it into the original release" as well as "new content and new features that we or you have thought of since release". Features added to the game since release include new units, difficulty levels, King of the Hill and Capture the Flag multiplayer modes, new multiplayer maps, new multiplayer Lords, new historical sieges, new Free Build maps, a "Free Build Panel" that allows players to trigger invasions, the ability to change the game speed and extra large maps.

📕 Description [fr]

Le 3ème volet d'une série de jeux de stratégie de tactique (attaque & défense de château au travers de missions) et de gestion de ressources (productivité du village et gestion de ressources), par le studio FireFly Studios, portage Linux par le studio Virtual Programming.

Stronghold 3 est le 3ème volet d'une série de jeux de stratégie tactique (attaque, construction & défense de château au travers de missions) et de gestion de ressources (productivité du village et gestion de ressources). Le studio met en avant son moteur physique (Havok), gérant l'efficacité des pièges et l'effondrement réaliste des bâtiments et des murs du château.
Stronghold 3 gold comprend 11 cartes supplémentaires (par rapport à la version classique).

🌍️ Wikipedia :

Stronghold 3 est un jeu vidéo de stratégie et de gestion, développé par Firefly Studios et édité par SouthPeak Games. Il est sorti le 25 octobre 2011 sur Windows.



Stronghold a raconté l'histoire du garçon et sa quête de vengeance contre le Duc de Puce (Le Rat), le Duc de Beauregard (Le Serpent), le Duc de Truffe (Le Cochon) et le Duc de Volpe (Le Loup) pour l'embuscade et l'assassina de son père. Après la capture du roi, l'invasion de l'ennemi, la guerre civile et l'embuscade de son père en route pour négocier un traité avec le serpent, le garçon a été repoussée dans une forêt, sur une péninsule négligée. C'est là qu'il a trouvé une petite bande de troupes encore fidèle au roi et, avec l'aide du Seigneur Woolsack et Sir Longarm, a commencé à reprendre le pays comté par comté. Finalement, le garçon va se confronter au loup dans sa tour. Après une intense bataille, il empale le loup énigmatique sur son épée et il le jeta à ce qu'il croyait être sa mort.


10 ans plus tard, Stronghold 3 continue l'histoire du garçon. Le loup a trompé la mort et est revenu plus amer, tordu et psychotique pendant sa convalescence pénible à l'est. Maintenant, c'est lui qui cherche à se venger. Par les raids dans les villes et villages le milieu de la nuit, le Duc de Volpe a créé une vague de panique. Seul le garçon et ses alliés pourront lui résister ...

Dans la campagne économique, qui a lieu après la fin de la campagne militaire, le garçon aide à reconstruire l'abbaye détruite pendant la guerre.


Les joueurs peuvent choisir entre deux campagnes solo. Une campagne militaire axé sur l'histoire qui raconte le retour du loup à travers une série de missions traditionnelles et une campagne économique basé sur la productivité du village et la gestion des ressources. Les deux campagnes sont entièrement commentée et raconte les nouveaux interludes. Les joueurs sont aussi capables de «changer l'histoire» en choisissant d'attaquer ou défendre un certain nombre de châteaux dans le mode siège du château.

Le moteur physique du jeu est Havok, ce qui influe sur l'efficacité des pièges et l'effondrement réaliste des bâtiments et des murs du château. En outre, le moteur de jeu dispose d'un nouveau système de météo avec un système d'éclairage jour/nuit amélioré.

Un nouveau système de brouillard de guerre a été introduit, au cours de laquelle toutes les zones situées en dehors de la proximité immédiate du château du joueur sont cachés dans l'obscurité. Les joueurs peuvent éclairer des zones spécifiques en mettant le feu à des tours de guet ou explorer la carte avec des paysans munis de torches.