Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Adventure & Action 👁️ Visual: 3D
🏷️ Category: Adventure & Action ➤ Walking Simulator 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Walking Sim; Adventure; Exploration; Action; Choices Matter; Episodic; Story Rich; Atmospheric; Choose Your Own Adventure; Cyberpunk; Sci-fi; Fantasy; Unity engine; Female Protagonist; Controller ⏱️ Pacing: Point and Click
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2013-10-05 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 13968

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A game about choice and consequence, about dreams and reality, magic and science, chaos and order, and about the people whose actions may change the course of history in all worlds. Dreamfall Chapters follows three characters on their journeys across two worlds — one a cyberpunk vision of the future, the other a magical fantasy world — as their stories and destinies intertwine. 📜️[fr]: Un jeu sur le choix et les conséquences, sur les rêves et la réalité, la magie et la science, le chaos et l'ordre, et sur les gens dont les actions peuvent changer le cours de l'histoire dans tous les mondes. Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn est la suite épisodique des jeux d'aventure "The Longest Journey" et "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey". C'est une aventure en 3D dans lequel le joueur vivra une journée épique au travers de 2 mondes : Stark (un monde futuriste) et Arcadia (où la magie est prépondérante)

🎥️ Videos

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Dreamfall Chapters is the long awaited episodic follow-up to the award-winning and bestselling adventure games The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey.

An exciting story-driven episodic adventure for Windows/Mac/Linux and PlayStation 4, Dreamfall Chapters follows three characters on their journeys across two worlds — one a cyberpunk vision of the future, the other a magical fantasy world — as their stories and destinies intertwine.

The first episode of Dreamfall Chapters — Book One: Reborn — is out now!

The Story

The world of Arcadia exists in parallel and balance with ours. It is a world of magic and chaos, a counterweight to Stark, the world of science and order. The Balance between the twin worlds is watched over by the Guardian, who channels the energies of Chaos and Order between Arcadia and Stark.

Some people are able to move freely between worlds. These special individuals are called Shifters. There are not many left, and those who can Shift hide their powers well.

Some people can travel in a different way, dreaming themselves into other worlds, existing in two places at once. They are called Dreamers.
Image Description

At this point, there is only one known Dreamer in the twin worlds:

Zoë Castillo.

Dreamfall Chapters concludes the Dreamer Cycle and the gripping story of Zoë, the Dreamer, while also introducing The Longest Journey saga to new players and fans.

Revisiting familiar locations and characters, and introducing new sights and sounds, new faces, new game mechanics, new thrills and challenges, Dreamfall Chapters takes players on an epic journey — from the dystopian cyberpunk future of Stark, through the mysterious and dreamlike Storytime, to the magical landscapes of Arcadia.

In a story about faith and hope and change, about the choices we make and the people we are destined to become, players will explore these fantastic worlds and mature themes through the eyes of three playable characters.

The Game

Dreamfall Chapters is a game about choice and consequence, about dreams and reality, magic and science, chaos and order, and about the people whose actions may change the course of history in all worlds.

With this latest game in the saga, Red Thread Games seeks to recapture the heart and soul of The Longest Journey and improve on the immersion and game mechanics of Dreamfall, in order to bring you a fitting, satisfying, exciting and emotional conclusion to the Dreamer Cycle.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey (Norwegian: Drømmefall Kapitler: Den lengste reisen) is an episodic 3D adventure game with emphasis on character interaction, exploration of the game world, and puzzle solving. It is a sequel to the adventure games The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. The game was released in five episodes between 21 October 2014 and 17 June 2016.

The Longest Journey series is set in two parallel universes: Stark, a cyberpunk future Earth, and Arcadia, its magical fantasy counterpart. Chapters takes place in 2220 CE and continues the story of Dreamfall, whose protagonist Zoë Castillo had uncovered a criminal conspiracy that aimed to enslave both Stark and Arcadia by stealing their residents' dreams. Although Zoë managed to disrupt the conspirators' plans, she was betrayed and left in a coma at the end of Dreamfall, and has to find her purpose in life again in Chapters. The writers described the narrative theme of the game as "chapters of life".

Dreamfall Chapters was developed by Red Thread Games, an independent studio founded by Ragnar Tørnquist, who wrote and directed the previous two games. Funcom, the owners of The Longest Journey IP, had licensed the rights to develop the next installment out to Tørnquist's studio. Its development was crowd-funded by a Kickstarter campaign that raised over $1.5 million, with additional funding provided by the Norwegian Film Institute.


Dreamfall Chapters was originally developed on the Unity 4 game engine, but was retroactively upgraded to Unity 5 before the release of Book Four. It features large 3D environments, as opposed to 2D backgrounds in The Longest Journey (TLJ) and smaller 3D locations in Dreamfall. While not a completely open world, the game contains several free-roaming exploration levels, such as Europolis and Marcuria, and rewards players for exploring the levels and finding secrets. The locations themselves change slightly as the story progresses to reflect the passage of time.

The player steers playable characters from over-the-shoulder third-person view, using the WASD keys and mouselook. Interactive characters and objects are highlighted on the screen, allowing the player to interact with them using the mouse and context menus. While the game supports game controllers, it is being optimized for the PC. The gameplay focus is on the exploration of the environments and the story and on solving puzzles. Dialogue with NPCs and dialogue puzzles comprise about half of the gameplay time. The on-screen interface is hidden by default to improve the immersion. There is no combat or stealth gameplay in Dreamfall Chapters.

Although the game features a linear plot with a set outcome, the players have to make many choices throughout the game that have far-reaching impact on the later story events (but not the ending). An optional, online-only "social" feature allows players to discover (either before, or after making the choice) which options other players (and their Facebook friends in particular) picked in these situations. These statistics are stored in a shared global database for all platforms. The game additionally displays a special "The balance has shifted" icon to warn players before plot-relevant choices, even when playing offline. An in-game journal, akin to April Ryan's diary in TLJ, keeps track of the recent plot developments.

Chapters includes a recap of the previous games to ease the new players into the story. At the time of the Kickstarter campaign, the developers planned for it to become the final game in what they called "the Dreamer Cycle", but not in The Longest Journey series as a whole. This had changed during development, however, and Book Five was presented as the conclusion to the entire saga upon release.



In the mythology of the series, Earth is one of countless worlds in the multiverse, created from the primordial Storytime by the dreaming of a being known as Lux, the First Dreamer. Earth, or "Stark" as it is known in the game, is a world of science existing in Balance with its "Twin World" of magic, Arcadia, separated from it by the impassable Divide twelve millennia ago. The game takes place in 2220 CE by Stark's reckoning, and its chief antagonist is Brian Westhouse, a Starkian trapped in Arcadia, who plans to return home by forcibly reuniting the Twin Worlds with the power of the Undreaming, the destructive counterpart to Lux. To strengthen the Undreaming with dream energy, Westhouse, as "the Prophet", conspired with the corrupt officials of the Azadi Empire in Arcadia and an ambitious Starkian scientist Helena Chang to build a giant dream-storing Engine in the Arcadian city-state of Marcuria, recently conquered by the Azadi. On her end, Chang had invented the lucid dream-inducing devices named "Dreamachines", planning to use the dream energy they covertly stole from their users to reshape reality itself with the help of her genetically engineered "Dreamers", i.e. humans with powers equal to Lux. Chang considered the first Dreamer she had created a failure, however, and the girl was instead raised by Chang's partner Gabriel Castillo as his own daughter, Zoë.

In Dreamfall, a 20 year-old Zoë learned that Chang's sponsors, the Japan-based megacorporation WatiCorp, planned to brainwash the Dreamachine users in a bid for world domination, but failed to stop them and was put in a coma by Chang. At the same time in Arcadia, an elite Azadi operative Kian Alvane investigated the corruption in Marcuria but was charged with high treason and imprisoned. In Chapters, their stories continue independently, first converging in Book Five, which also ties in the arc of the third playable character, Saga, until then told mainly in Interludes.


After putting Zoë in a coma, Chang brought her body to a secret lab in Mumbai, while her consciousness became trapped in Storytime along with millions of Dreamachine addicts'. As Zoë attempts to wake herself up, she instead creates a secondary physical body for herself in Stark, which has no memories of her adventures and travels to Europolis to start a new life. While both Wati and Chang's agents shadow her every move, Zoë becomes an activist for the upcoming elections, but soon discovers that Wati has bought off most parties, including her own. They then tarnish the only uncorrupted party by manipulating one of its activists and Zoë's friend Nela into a suicide bombing. The blast injures Zoë but also brings back some of her memories. When Zoë attempts to use a Dreamachine to recover the rest, her secondary body disappears from Stark and appears in Arcadia. There, she reunites with her talking bird sidekick Crow and embarks on a journey to find the dreaming Lux. After merging with and gaining Lux's powers, Zoë's real body wakes up in Mumbai, where she reunites with her biological parents. However, Chang manages to sedate her, still intending to exploit her abilities.

At the same time in Arcadia, one of the Azadi empresses arrives to Marcuria with General Hami and Mother Utana, Kian's mentor and stepmother, respectively. Afraid of Kian's confessions, the Prophet's accomplices attempt to execute him without a trial, but the anti-Azadi rebels break him out to recruit him to their cause. On one of Kian's missions for the rebels, he bonds with a young Dolmari urchin named Bip, who helps him uncover an imminent raid on the magical ghetto. The rebels are unable to prevent it, however, and Bip, along with many other magicals, is deported to a remote death camp. Kian mounts a rescue mission and witnesses his country's atrocities against the magical peoples, using this evidence to convince Hami to bring down the Marcurian officials before they activate the Engine. Upon return, they rally the surviving rebels and a few of Hami's own men to attack it. Crow, back from his journey with Zoë, shows Kian a secret passage to the Engine control room, but before he can sabotage it, Mother Utana reveals herself as another agent of the Prophet and fatally wounds him. The Prophet then callously murders Crow and activates the Engine.

The third storyline begins in the prologue, where April Ryan, who perished in Dreamfall, is reincarnated as Saga in the House of All Worlds, a mystical location between all worlds and timelines of the multiverse. Saga's mother disappears soon after her birth, and despite her father's best efforts to suppress her inherited world-traveling powers, Saga runs away from home at the age of 14 to wander the multiverse and, like April, grows up to become a habitual fulfiller of various prophecies. Acting on one such prophecy, she travels to Arcadia just in time to heal Kian with an alchemical concoction after Utana and the Prophet leave him to bleed out. Zoë, in the meantime, finds herself in Storytime again, where Crow's ghost helps her to piece together the Prophet's plan and leaves for the afterlife together with April's spirit. Now fully in control of her and Lux's powers, Zoë awakens in the Mumbai lab just in time to see Saga open a portal to the Engine control room. Zoë passes her discoveries on to Kian, then guides a repentant Azadi engineer in sabotaging the Engine, while Kian kills the Prophet's henchman Roper Klacks to unleash the Undreaming, which the Prophet had trapped within his body. As it possesses the Prophet and flings him to Stark, Zoë reunites it with Lux and thus restores the Balance between creation and destruction, before passing out from exhaustion. In Marcuria, the corrupt Azadi officials are killed by the rebels, but Utana escapes with the empress. Saga finds Crow's body and carries it off to another world.

A week later, Kian leaves Marcuria to pursue Utana, but is intercepted by Saga who, acting on another prophecy, demands to join him and also that he adopts her, foreshadowing the major role they both will play in the War of the Balance that is to precede the looming reunification of the Twin Worlds. Zoë, meanwhile, awakens in a hospital and reconciles with Gabriel. Five years later, Kian and Saga look over the Azadi capital, ready to face their destiny, while Zoë enjoys a peaceful life in Casablanca, pregnant with a baby. In the epilogue, many years after the Twin Worlds were reunited, an elderly Saga, now Lady Alvane, reminisces about her travels and chats with the reincarnated Crow, before settling down in her armchair in the House of All Worlds to greet April Ryan, mirroring the same scene that occurred in the original The Longest Journey.


The subtitle "Chapters" refers to the theme of the game, which Tørnquist describes as "chapters of life" and "life in chapters", such as birth, life, death. The game's plot covers roughly a year of the protagonists' lives, beginning in spring and ending in winter. The narration is divided into thirteen chapters (like the previous games) or five "books", themed around a particular phase of life, e.g. birth (or rebirth) in the first book. Originally, three books, corresponding to summer, autumn, and winter, were planned, but this number grew to accommodate the expanded story.

Another topic of the game is the stories as such and how they become reality. In the game, the realm of "Storytime" is "the place where every story begins, and where dreams come to life", and the developers cite the Australian Aboriginal mythology as inspiration. The character Helena Chang outright identifies Storytime with the Aboriginal Dreamtime in the in-game dialogue.

The Longest Journey series as a whole is rooted in a predeterministic philosophy, which compares life to a journey with a set destination: a person may choose their course freely but will ultimately arrive to a "predestined place". In Dreamfall Chapters, this philosophy is expressed in the player characters' ability to make story-altering decisions, which, however, have no effect upon the ending.

The megacity of Europolis is presented as "Europe finally paying the price for hundreds of years of imperialism, reactionary politics, wasteful spending and industrialisation". In an interview, Ragnar Tørnquist said that "there's definitely a political element to Dreamfall Chapters, as there was to Dreamfall as well."


Dreamfall Chapters was initially announced as an episodic video game, but this idea was scrapped in favor of a full-length game when the pre-production started in 2012, because the developers felt that extended breaks between chapters would have negatively affected the story flow and pacing. However, faced with mounting production costs, RTG decided in June 2014 to return to the episodic format, and the first "book", subtitled Reborn, was released on 21 October 2014. The subtitle of Book Two was announced on 26 November 2014. The subtitle of Book Three was announced on 22 May 2015, and its release date, one month later. Book Four's subtitle was announced via Twitter and Facebook in late September, and its release date, on 30 November 2015. The subtitle and the release date of the fifth and final Book was announced via Kickstarter on 6 April and 9 June 2016, respectively.

DRM-free digital distribution is the default distribution model of the game, and its episodes can only be purchased as parts of a complete season pass, not separately from one another. Additionally, several limited boxed editions were offered as incentives to the supporters on Kickstarter, ranging from the simple Collector's Edition to the expansive "Draic Kin Edition", containing a variety of digital and physical bonus materials. The physical backer rewards are to ship after the final stable release of the game to avoid having to patch physically distributed versions. On 17 April 2013, Dreamfall Chapters was cleared on the Steam Greenlight process, allowing the game to be distributed via this platform when released.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu d'aventure épisodique dans lequel le joueur vivra une journée épique au travers de 2 mondes, par le studio Red Thread Games.
Il utilise le moteur Unity.

Dreamfall Chapters est un jeu sur le choix et les conséquences, sur les rêves et la réalité, la magie et la science, le chaos et l'ordre, et sur les gens dont les actions peuvent changer le cours de l'histoire dans tous les mondes. Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn est la suite épisodique des jeux d'aventure "The Longest Journey" et "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey" (des mêmes auteurs).
Il s'agit d'un jeu d'aventure en 3D dans lequel le joueur vivra une journée épique au travers de 2 mondes : Stark (un monde futuriste) et Arcadia (où la magie est prépondérante)

Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn est la suite épisodique tant attendue des jeux d'aventure primés et à succès The Longest Journey et Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (des mêmes auteurs).
Il s'agit d'un jeu d'aventure en 3D dans lequel le joueur vivra une journée épique au travers de 2 mondes : Stark (un monde futuriste) et Arcadia (où la magie est prépondérante)

Aventure passionnante et épisodique axée sur un scénario pour Windows / Mac / Linux et PlayStation 4, Dreamfall Chapters suit trois personnages dans leurs voyages à travers deux mondes - l'un, une vision cyberpunk de l'avenir, l'autre, un monde de type fantastique et magique - au moment où leurs histoires et destins s'entremêlent.
Le premier épisode de Dreamfall Chapters — Book One: Reborn est sorti !

Dreamfall Chapters est un jeu sur le choix et les conséquences, sur les rêves et la réalité, la magie et la science, le chaos et l'ordre, et sur les gens dont les actions peuvent changer le cours de l'histoire dans tous les mondes. Avec ce dernier opus de la saga, Red Thread Games cherche à reconquérir le coeur et l'âme de The Longest Journey et d'améliorer l'immersion et les mécaniques de jeu de Dreamfall, afin de vous apporter une conclusion appropriée, satisfaisante, passionnante et une conclusion émotionnelle à cette suite.

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💡️ Commentaires généraux:
Prévision de sortie initiale : novembre 2014.