Democracy 3 - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Democracy 3

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Democracy 3 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Political 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Strategy; Simulation; Political; Economy; Management; Sandbox; Difficult; Moddable ⏱️ Pacing: Turn-Based
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2015-11-13 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 4 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14861

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let's face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders. Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change...Have you got the answers to the problems that face western industrialized nations? Here is your chance to find out... 📜️[fr]: N'avez-vous jamais voulu être président ? premier ministre ? Êtes-vous convaincu que votre pays irait mieux si vous étiez au pouvoir ? Soyez-y confronté, vous pourrez difficilement faire pire que nos dirigeants actuels. Le crime, le chômage, la dette nationale, le terrorisme, le changement climatique... Avez-vous des réponses aux problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les nations modernes ? Voici votre chance de le découvrir...

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

🦉️ From Devs: (202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx♺) t(202xxx♺) t[fr] gd(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) r(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g(202xxx♺) g[fr](202xxx♺) g[fr](202xxx♺) g[fr](202xxx♺) g[de](202xxx♺) g[de](202xxx♺)] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]

Commercial links (Democracy 3): [Online store] [Humble Store] [Steam] [GOG]
Commercial links (Democracy 3: Social Engineering): [Online store] [Humble Store] [Steam] [GOG]
Commercial links (Democracy 3: Extremism): [Online store] [Humble Store] [Steam] [GOG]
Commercial links (Democracy 3: Clones and Drones): [Online store] [Humble Store] [Steam] [GOG]
Commercial links (Democracy 3: Electioneering): [Online store] [Steam]

🍩️ Resources
[Democracy 3 (Mods)]

🛠️ Technical informations
[PCGamingWiki] [MobyGames]

🦣️ Social
Devs (Positech Games [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
Devs (Edward Rudd [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [PCGamingWiki] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [LinkedIn] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
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🐝️ Related
[Wikipedia (Democracy) [fr] [en]]

📦️ Misc. repositories
[Repology] [] [Generic binary] [Arch Linux / AUR] [openSUSE] [Debian/Ubuntu] [Flatpak] [AppImage(author's repo)] [Snap] [PortableLinuxGames]

🕵️ Reviews

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[HOLaRSE [de](20160608)]

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Ever wanted to run the country?

Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let's face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders.
Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change...Have you got the answers to the problems that face western industrialized nations? Here is your chance to find out...

An entire virtual country

Democracy 3 simulates the motivations, loyalties and desires of everyone in the country. A custom-designed neural network is used to model individual voters, each which varying memberships of voting groups, political parties and pressure groups. Each voters income is modelled, along with their levels of complacency and cynicism. This is the most sophisticated political strategy game ever created.

Unique user interface

Despite being vastly detailed under-the-hood, Democracy 3 has a unique user interface that makes visualising the connections between laws, policies, voters and situations easy. A simple iconic-based view of your countries issues allows you to 'drill-down' through all the relationships between policies and voters to quickly analyse the impacts of your decisions. Your trade policy may affect GDP, which will affect unemployment, which will effect poverty, and thus crime, leading to a change in tourism, which affects GDP...

Complex simulated voters

Each individual voter is a mixture of a subset of the 21 different voter groups represented within the game. They might be a young, wealthy, liberal socialist commuter, or a retired conservative religious capitalist, for example. Not only this, but the extent to which they identify each of those groups is both variable, and can be affected by your policies in the long term. Convert your country to religion, or atheism, to capitalism, or socialism by careful and nuanced adjustment of your policies and laws over time. A 'focus group' feature lets you look at individual voters and see exactly how they came to a decision to vote for you (or not!).

Detailed policy model

Each policy (or law) in the game has a slider which allows you to fine tune it's intensity to get the balance just right. A series of equations within the game allows the same policy to have radically different effects on each voter group at different points in the slider, so some voters may be indifferent to a policy unless it reaches extreme levels, for example. Democracy 3 also models the global economy, including credit rating agencies and debt interest levels, as well as the impact of global events on your country.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Democracy is a government simulation game that was first developed by Positech Games in 2005, with a sequel released in December 2007 and a third game in 2013. The player plays as if they are the president or prime minister of a democratic government. The player must introduce and alter policies in seven areas – tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order and public services. Each policy has an effect on the happiness of various voter groups, as well as affecting factors such as crime and air quality. The player has to deal with "situations", which are typically problems such as petrol protests or homelessness, and also has to make decisions on dilemmas that arise each turn.


After deciding which nation to play as, the player must win the support of various factions which make up the electorate, including the religious, patriots, parents, capitalists, socialists, liberals, conservatives and others, and thus win the ensuing elections that take place. The player introduces policies and uses sliders to change the amount of government funding, level of a tax or generally the law and regulations in that particular area. Of course, because each individual person belongs to several factions (e.g.: a Poor Conservative Smoker who is a Patriot or a Rich, Socialist person who is also a Drinker), it is practically impossible to control all the voters. Before each general election, two promises are made by the player to the electorate (e.g.: reduce unemployment by 10%). If the player has not kept these promises by the next election, the people become annoyed and cynicism increases.

To make policy changes, the player must spend political capital, which is generated by loyal ministers.

The player must also try to balance the budget and pay off the country's debts without losing votes and causing tax evasion due to very high taxes.

There are also many events, dilemmas and situations in the game which the player must deal with. An example of an event might be the curing of a disease, a dilemma may be who to appoint as a senior judge and a situation may be high levels of pollution. An event happens, sometimes due to policies however the player doesn't take part; they simply profit or suffer from it. A dilemma is an important decision which must be resolved for the turn to be ended and situations are ongoing conditions which must be dealt with or helped and enjoyed.

The games designer has described the code behind the game as being based on a neural network. This has allowed the game to be very easily modded, and most of the 'game logic' in it is openly editable in simple text CSV files, allowing players to change the way the core mechanics of the game operate. A number of mods have been released for both the first and second game in the series, and are generally released on the Positech forum. Mods have included new countries (and real countries for Democracy 2) and the addition of factors such as inflation, as well as enhancement of the voter cynicism factor in Democracy 2.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de gestion / simulation / de stratégie politique, par le studio Positech Games, portage Linux par Edward Rudd.

Democracy 3 est un jeu de gestion / simulation / de stratégie politique dans lequel le joueur prend les rênes du pouvoir et actionne les différents leviers à sa disposition pour tenter d'être le meilleur président qui soit et d'être ré-élu.

Voir aussi / See also: Democracy 3, Political Animals,

A propos du jeu

N'avez-vous jamais voulu être président ? Ou premier ministre ? Êtes-vous convaincu que votre pays irait mieux si vous étiez au pouvoir ? Soyez-y confronté, vous pourrez difficilement faire pire que nos dirigeants actuels.
Le crime, le chômage, la dette nationale, le terrorisme, le changement climatique...Avez-vous des réponses aux problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les nations modernes ? Voici votre chance de le découvrir...

Un pays fictif entier

Democracy 3 simule les motivations, la loyauté et les désirs de tout le monde dans le pays. Un réseau neural spécialement conçu pour le jeu est utilisé pour modéliser chaque électeur, chacun pouvant être membre d'un groupe de vote, d'un parti politique, ou d'un groupe de pression. Chaque électeur est modélisé avec un niveau de complaisance et de cynisme pouvant varier. Ce qui en fait un des jeux le plus sophistiqué de la stratégie politique jamais créé.

Une interface utilisateur unique

Bien que le moteur du jeu soit complexe, Democracy 3 possède une interface utilisateur unique qui permet de visualiser les connexions entre chaque loi, politiques, électeurs, et situations de manière très simple. Une vue du pays basée sur des icônes permet de naviguer à travers les relations entre politiques mises en œuvre et électeurs pour analyser rapidement l'impact de vos décisions. Votre politique commerciale peut affecter le PIB, qui influencera à son tour le chômage, puis la pauvreté, puis ensuite le crime, entraînant par la même des conséquences sur le tourisme, et donc à nouveau le PIB etc...

Une simulation complexe des électeurs

Chaque électeur est un mélange du sous-ensemble des 21 groupes présents dans le jeu. Ils peuvent être par exemple jeune, riche, social-démocrate, retraité conservateur, capitaliste ou religieux. Non seulement cela, mais la mesure dans laquelle ils s'identifient a chacun de ces groupes à la fois est variable et peut être influencé par votre politique à long terme. Convertissez votre pays à la religion ou à l’athéisme ou bien au capitalisme ou encore au socialisme par des ajustements prudents et nuancés de votre politique et de vos lois sur la durée. Un système de sondage vous permet d'avoir un regard sur chaque électeur et voir exactement comment ils en viennent à décider de voter pour vous (ou pas!).