Chaos Reborn - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Chaos Reborn

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Chaos Reborn 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2.5D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Tactical RPG ➤ Misc. 🏝️ Perspective: Third person
🔖 Tags: Tactical RPG; Turn-Based Combat; Card-Based; Adventure; Board Game; Hex Grid; Procedural Generation; Fantasy; Remake; Co-op; PvP ⏱️ Pacing: Turn-Based
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single & Multi
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 💰 Commercial 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Commercial ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2014-12-11 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 14487

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: Fast Paced, Fun, Tactics RPG with Monsters, Magic and Mayhem - Online Multiplayer, Rankings, Co-op, and a Huge Single Player Campaign. You play the role of a fighting wizard armed with a selection of spells and magical staff. Some spells summon creatures but others are more exotic. It’s a game of bluff, tactics and calculated risks with nail-biting decisions from one turn to the next. 📜️[fr]: Un jeu de duels de mages au tour par tour avec un système de deck de cartes, dont l'objectif est d'être le dernier survivant. Tour à tour, les joueurs - armés d'une sélection de sorts et de bâtons magiques, lancent un sort (invocation de créatures, illusions pour tromper l'adversaire, ...) et déplacent leur mage & leurs créatures. C'est un jeu de bluff, de tactique et de risques calculés avec des décisions haletantes

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), [fr](202xxx♺),

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[Wikipedia (Chaos: The Battle of Wizards) [fr] [en]]

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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

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Fast Paced, Fun, Tactics RPG with Monsters, Magic and Mayhem - Online Multiplayer, Rankings, Co-op, and a Huge Single Player Campaign

What is Chaos Reborn?

At the heart of Chaos Reborn is an intuitive and fluid turn-based wizard combat system. You play the role of a fighting wizard armed with a selection of spells and magical staff. Some spells summon creatures but others are more exotic, such as the Gooey Blob which spreads uncontrollably across the terrain. The balance between Law and Chaos can be altered to your advantage, or you can cast illusions to deceive your adversaries. It’s a game of bluff, tactics and calculated risks with nail-biting decisions from one turn to the next.

Chaos Reborn is a game of battling wizards in which you cast spells and summon creatures in order to defeat your enemy. The game features an extensive RPG mode where you can seek knowledge, power and wealth by adventuring in the Realms of Chaos. You can join guilds, trade items and ascend the social ranks in order to become a God.

A Short History of the World of Chaos

In the beginning, the gods promised power and immortality to their followers through the gift of magic. In a short time the corruption and greed of humankind plunged the magic kingdoms into conflict, unleashing the forces of Chaos. Powerful beasts were summoned into the realm of men, and potent magic warped the landscape. Eventually the world was rent asunder, fractured into island realms split between planes of existence. The gods of Law regained the upper hand and brought order to the realms by installing Wizard Kings to control and limit and use of magic. But the gods of Chaos conspired with their devotees, and hid within the realms secret knowledge and magical artefacts in the hope that Chaos would rise again.
You are a Wizard with Ambition

At the start of the game you are an apprentice wizard hoping to build your knowledge and power to win the favour of gods and become powerful enough to influence the fate of the Cosmos. Eventually you must choose the path of Law, Chaos or Nature (the ‘neutral’ path), but your journey will lead you to explore the virtues and limitations of all alignments.


The game consists of two basic modes

• Multiplayer arena wizard battles: Fight other players to gain prizes and improve your ranking. Options include two, three or four player battles, plus a two versus two co-op battle mode.

• Single player and co-op exploration in the Realms of Chaos: Explore magical realms, fighting the wizard kings and their minions, while gaining spell knowledge and acquiring magical artefacts.

Wizard Battles

The core of the game is a quick-playing, Turn-Based wizard battle system. At the the start of a battle your wizard is placed in an arena with limited selection of spells. Each turn you may move and cast a spell with your wizard, and move and attack with your summoned creatures. Victory goes to the last wizard standing, or if the turn timer expires, the wizard with the highest number of victory points is the winner.

There are 80 different spells in the game, 24 of which are creature summoning spells. Each spell has a percentage chance of being cast. The more powerful the spell, the more difficult it is to cast. Once a spell is cast, whether if fails or succeeds, it is gone from the wizard’s inventory. The combination of different spells and creatures results in a huge variety of tactical situations. Here are some examples of spells:

• Gooey Blob: Summon an organic mass that spreads across the map, trapping enemy creatures and wizards.

• Shadow Wood: Summon a small forest of magically animated trees which can attack adjacent enemies.

• Magical Attacks: Pick three targets anywhere in the arena to be subject to a magical attack. Creatures with higher magical resistance stand a higher chance of surviving. Wizards who fail to survive a magical attack will lose spells.

• Mystic Castle: Create a protective structure at your wizards location and in each surrounding space.

• Fountain of Life: When your creatures or wizard dies, they are resurrected next to your Fountain of Life. The Fountain has limited uses, and can be attacked and destroyed by the enemy.

• Volcano: A mountainous eruption is formed, spewing deadly lava in a wide radius.

• Earthquake: The ground splits apart creating impassable chasms.

• Mystic Wood: Create a small forest of magical trees that only wizards may enter. The trees will protect the wizard, and may bestow the gift of a spell.

• Magic Fire: Create a flaming conflagration that spreads, attacking all creatures it engulfs.

• Magic Sword/Bow/Shield: Magical equipment for a wizard.

Law and Chaos

The alignment balance in the arena can have a profound affect on the game, and is an important factor in your overall strategy in spell selection and battles. When you cast Chaos spells the balance shifts towards Chaos, and when you cast Law Spells the balance shifts towards Law. Neutral spells have no effect. As the alignment moves to Chaos it becomes easier to cast Chaos spells. As the alignment moves to Law it becomes easier to cast Law spells. There are other effects as well. As the alignment shifts strongly in one direction individual terrain spaces will change to Law or Chaos versions, giving bonuses to creatures of the same alignment in those spaces.


Creatures in Chaos Reborn are either magical or natural beasts with distinct attributes and abilities. All creatures (and wizards) have the following basic attributes:

• Movement: The number of spaces a creature may move in its turn

• Combat: The ability to fight and defeat an enemy in battle

• Defence: The ability to withstand an attack

• Magic Resistance: The ability to withstand the effects of certain spells

• Agility: The ability to disengage from battle and move away from enemy creatures

In addition, many creatures have one or more special abilities or attributes. Here are some examples:

• Ranged Attack: Creatures such as elves and Centaurs have bows, and dragons have flame breath, which allows them to attack enemy creatures at range.

• Flying: This ability allows the creature to move over obstacles, void terrain and other creatures without becoming engaged.

• Mount: The creature may be ridden by a wizard.

• Undead: The creature may only be kill by other undead, magic spells or magic weapons.

• Web: The Giant Spider has a special web attack that traps victims in a sticky web.

• Charge: Some creatures gain a combat bonus if they move before attacking.

• Leach: The vampire will gain combat and defence for each non-illusory creature it kills


The use of illusions creates an interesting bluffing mechanic in the game. Creatures can be summoned either as illusions or real entities. If you choose to summon a creature as an illusion it will be automatically cast with no chance of failure. The illusory creature will act like a real creature, capable of attacking and killing other creatures. However, every wizard possesses a special spell called ‘disbelieve’ which will dispel an illusion when cast on it. The disbelieve spell does not get used up when cast.


Combat in Chaos Reborn has a simple binary result - either the attacker kills the defender, or the defender survives. When a creature attacks another the chance of killing the target is based on the ratio of attacker’s Combat rating to the defender’s Defence rating. Thus if the attacker has a Combat of 3 and the Defender has a defence of 2, the chance of a successful attack is 60%. The terrain level does have an effect. Creatures attacking from a higher level have a combat bonus, and creatures defending at a higher level have a defence bonus. Spells, creature abilities and other summoned entities may also have interesting effects on combat.


The battle arenas are procedurally generated according the basic terrain type of the area, such as forest, mountain, swamp, plains, hills, town or citadel. The three-level terrain has an important impact on the game play. Creatures may move and attack at one level difference, but not two. Trees, rocks and other obstacles will block movement. There may also be various types of pick-ups in the arena - usually chests containing treasure or scrolls.

RPG System and Equipment

Chaos Reborn features a simple but very flexible RPG like system for developing your wizard character. Each wizard has a basic wizard level which limits the level of realms he can enter and the level of equipment he can use. Levelling up is achieved by accumulating experience points from battles. Each item of equipment can be levelled up individually by entering its ‘inner realm’ and fighting unusual wizard battles. The wizard’s equipment determines his basic stats and special abilities. There are three types of equipment, and each has a specific role:

• Staff: The most important thing a wizard uses is his staff. This determines the ‘ready spells’ rating, which is the number of spells available to cast at any time (think of it as your ‘hand of spell cards’). A staff also has a special power which must be charged in order to use. These powers can be similar to powerful versions of spells, or have unique effects suchs as boosting the casting chance of certain spells, multiplying the effect of spells.

• Bodygear: This could be a simple robe or an elaborate set of armour. It determines the basic stats of your wizard - Movement, Combat, Defence, Magic Resistance and Agility. It also gives special charge bonuses for a staff, helping to charge up its special power quicker under certain circumstances.

• Headgear: Not necessarily a hat, but could be an elaborate ritual mask or an armoured helm. It determines the wizards ‘spell memory’ - the total number of spells that may be taken into battle (think of it as your ‘deck’ of ‘spell cards’). Headgear also gives special staff charging bonuses.

By swapping different items of equipment you can configure your wizard in many ways. He could be a combat oriented wizard, going into battle riding a trusty steed, or a more defensive wizard, relying on spells and creatures for protection and attack.

Realm Exploration

Realms are procedurally generated kingdoms containing coastal regions, mountains, rivers, forests, towns, citadels and other structures. When you enter a realm you don’t know its layout, and you will have to explore it. Your objective is to defeat all the Wizard Lords and finally the Wizard King, forcing him to concede an item of treasure to you or a valuable artefact. However, as you explore the land, the Wizard King will be building his power and reinforcing his Wizard Lords to stop you or slow you down. Therefore you must be efficient in your exploration and not suffer too many defeats. If you are defeated in battle you will be resurrected at the nearest wizard tower, but this will set you back some time and cost you some gold.

In towns you can buy items that can help you in your quest. Maps will reveal all, or part, of the kingdom. Mountain passes will allow you to travel through some mountain ranges. Ship passages will allow you to travel by sea. You may also be able to buy wizard equipment which can help you beef up your wizard for battle. At wizard towers you can buy magical teleports to other wizard towers in the land (if any). Other encounters might slow you down, such as Goblin ambushes, poisonous swamps and impenetrable thickets.

One thing you can do to help you in your quest is to invite another player to help you in a battle. It will cost some gold to teleport him in, and you would have to share the winnings, but it could be decisive in achieving ultimate victory over the Wizard King.


By joining a guild you can share knowledge and equipment with other guild members and help to improve the guild rankings. Guilds are useful for both Realm Quests and multiplayer battles. By sharing knowledge about realms, and by donating realm maps, you can assist other guild members when they explore the same realms. You can also invite any other guild member to help you in co-op battles against wizard lords and kings. Multiplayer guild tournaments, with co-op battles, can earn your wizard and your guild valuable rewards and improved rankings.

The Ultimate Quest

In order to achieve ultimate power and knowledge you must be elevated to the rank of God. This is not just a question of your wizard level, but your participation in the community of wizards and devotion to your favoured demi gods and God. The gods will favour those who follow their path and serve them well. Only they can make the decision that would elevate you to join their ranks.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Chaos Reborn is a turn-based tactical role-playing game created by Julian Gollop and crowdfunded through Kickstarter. The game is a remake of Gollop's 1985 game Chaos: The Battle of Wizards.

The game is currently available on Steam and is playable on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The remake includes a number of enhancements over the original version including an RPG meta game and the ability to buy equipment such as armour, staffs, and talismans which give players a number of enhancements, such as extra spells and abilities.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de combats de sorciers au tour par tour, avec un mode RPG, par le studio Snapshot Games (Julian Gollop & David Kaye, auteurs originaux de X-COM).

Chaos Reborn est un remake amélioré de Chaos: The Battle of Wizards (par l'auteur lui-même), un jeu de duels de mages mono (quêtes) et multijoueur (2-4 joueurs, 2 vs 2 co-op) au tour par tour avec un système de deck de cartes, dont l'objectif est d'être le dernier survivant. Tour à tour, les joueurs - armés d'une sélection de sorts et de bâtons magiques, lancent leur sort (invocation de créatures plus ou moins exotiques, illusions pour tromper l'adversaire, ...) et déplacent leur mage et les créatures qu'ils ont invoqués. C'est un jeu de bluff, de tactique et de risques calculés avec des décisions haletantes d'un tour à l'autre. Il dispose également d'un vaste mode RPG en solo aux Royaumes du Chaos dans lequel le joueur s'aventurera pour rechercher la connaissance, la puissance et la richesse.

Qu'est ce que Chaos Reborn ?

Au cœur de Chaos Reborn se tient un système de combat au tour par tour intuitif et fluide. Vous incarnez un mage armé d'une sélection de sorts et de bâtons magiques. Certains sorts invoquent des créatures, mais d'autres sont plus exotiques, tels que le Blob gluant qui se propage de manière incontrôlée sur le terrain. L'équilibre entre la justice et le Chaos peut être modifié à votre avantage, ou vous pouvez lancer des illusions pour tromper vos adversaires. C'est un jeu de bluff, de tactique et de risques calculés avec des décisions haletantes d'un tour à l'autre.

Chaos Reborn est un jeu de combat de mages dans lequel vous lancez des sorts et invoquez des créatures pour vaincre vos ennemis. Le jeu propose un vaste mode RPG où vous pouvez rechercher la connaissance, la puissance et la richesse en vous aventurant dans les Royaumes du Chaos. Vous pouvez rejoindre des guildes, négocier des objets et monter dans les rangs sociaux pour devenir un Dieu.

🌍️ Wikipedia (Chaos) :

Chaos est un jeu vidéo développé par Julian Gollop et édité par Games Workshop. Il s'agit d'un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour sorti sur ZX Spectrum en 1984.

Système de jeu

Chaos est un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour, faisant s'affronter des sorciers. Leur nombre peut aller de deux à huit, contrôlés par l'ordinateur ou par des joueurs. Le but du jeu est de vaincre les autres sorciers et d'être ainsi le dernier survivant. À chaque tour de jeu, chaque joueur lance un sort, déplace son sorcier et les créatures qu'il a fait apparaître.


Chaos est à l'origine un jeu de cartes imaginé par Julian Gollop, lui-même inspiré du jeu de société Warlock de Games Workshop.

🕵️ Test [fr]

💡️ Commentaires généraux:
Le studio était parvenu à lever les fonds nécessaires (211K$) à la mi Avril 2014 sur le site Kickstarter, le jeu est à présent disponible à la vente.

Kickstarter est un site de sponsoring de projets permettant - en ce qui concerne les jeux, aux joueurs et aux développeurs de financer le développement de jeux sans le carcan des maisons d'édition. Les studios obtiennent le pré-financement de leur production, les joueurs bénéficient d'avantages proportionnels au montant de leur participation (tarif avantageux, personnalisations, ...) sans garantie de résultat.