Specify local ports routing (local ports to global ports)

For each local port, we specify the number of destinations. Since there can be more than one recipient to a sending port, we specify how many ports should receive data. We specify that with the pok_ports_nb_destinations array.

Then, we specify the local port routing policy with the pok_ports_destinations array. In this array, each value is a pointer to another array that contains the recipient global port values.

An example is given below. Here, the first local port has one recipient. The recipient list is specified with the first elements of the pok_ports_destinations array, which is the node1_partition_secret_outgoing_deployment_destinations array. Thus, we can see that the recipient port identifier is node2_partition_secret_incoming_global.

   uint8_t node1_partition_secret_outgoing_deployment_destinations[1] =
   uint8_t node1_partition_secret_partport[1] =
   uint8_t node1_partition_topsecret_outgoing_deployment_destinations[1] =
   uint8_t node1_partition_unclassified_outgoing_deployment_destinations[1] =

   uint8_t pok_ports_nb_destinations[POK_CONFIG_NB_PORTS] = {1,1,1};

   uint8_t* pok_ports_destinations[POK_CONFIG_NB_PORTS] =

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