Scheduler of partitions (level 0 of scheduling)

The scheduling of partitions is specified with several macros.

The POK_CONFIG_SCHEDULING_NBSLOTS specifies the number of time frames allocated for partitions execution.

The POK_CONFIG_SCHEDULING_SLOTS specifies the size (in milliseconds) of each slot.

The POK_CONFIG_SCHEDULING_SLOTS_ALLOCATION specified the allocation of each slot. In other words, which partition is scheduling at which slot. The declaration is an array and the value $n$ specifies which partition uses the slot $n$.

The POK_CONFIG_MAJOR_FRAME specifies the major frame, the time when inter-partitions ports are flushed. It corresponds to the end of a scheduling cycle.

An example is provided below. Here, we have four partitions. We declare 4 slots of 500ms. The first slot is for the first partition, the second slot for the second partition and so on. The major frame (time when scheduling slots are repeated) is 2s (2000ms).

#define POK_CONFIG_SCHEDULING_SLOTS {500,500,500,500}




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