Mental PPC Corp repository v6.06
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Component all

This is the 'all' metacomponent containing all packages in all components.

You can use apt to download and install the packages. Use the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and use the command sudo apt-get update to enable downloading from this component.

Don't forget to read the notice on the frontpage!

deb macbook-edgy-mppc all
deb-src macbook-edgy-mppc all


Source (dsc):libsmbios_0.12.1-3.dsc
Source (orig.tar.gz):libsmbios_0.12.1.orig.tar.gz
Source (diff.gz):libsmbios_0.12.1-3.diff.gz
Description:Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- utility binaries More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. This package includes libsmbios' sample binaries/utilities.

Description:Provide access to (SM)BIOS information - development files More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be
used as well as sample binaries.

It incorporates extensible access to SMBIOS information capabilities and
ability to perform unit tests across multiple systems without using physical
hardware. Moreover, centralized, data-driven exception handling for broken
BIOS tables is provided.

To start out with, the focus is on the SMBIOS tables. Currently, full access
to the SMBIOS table and its items is implemented. In the future, it will
provide $PIR, MPTABLE, RCI, RBU, and other tables as well.

Additionally, access and manipulation of Dell Indexed IO Token (type 0xD4)
is implemented. This token is a vendor-extention SMBIOS structure which
allows uniform access to manipulate the system CMOS to enable, disable, or
otherwise manipulate normal BIOS functions or features.

Description:Access to (SM)BIOS information in an OS-indepent way (docs) More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be used
as well as sample binaries.

It incorporates extensible access to SMBIOS information capabilities and
ability to perform unit tests across multiple systems without using physical
hardware. Moreover, centralized, data-driven exception handling for broken
BIOS tables is provided. Currently, full access to the SMBIOS table and its
items is implemented. Additionally, access and manipulation of Dell Indexed
IO Token (type 0xD4) is implemented. This token is a vendor-extention
SMBIOS structure which allows uniform access to manipulate the system CMOS
to enable, disable, or otherwise manipulate normal BIOS functions or features.

Description:Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- dynamic library More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be used
as well as sample binaries.

It incorporates extensible access to SMBIOS information capabilities and
ability to perform unit tests across multiple systems without using physical
hardware. Moreover, centralized, data-driven exception handling for broken
BIOS tables is provided. Currently, full access to the SMBIOS table and its
items is implemented. Additionally, access and manipulation of Dell Indexed
IO Token (type 0xD4) is implemented. This token is a vendor-extention
SMBIOS structure which allows uniform access to manipulate the system CMOS
to enable, disable, or otherwise manipulate normal BIOS functions or features.

Description:Provide access to (SM)BIOS information - development files More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be
used as well as sample binaries.

This is the XML abstraction layer lib.

Description:Provide XML access to (SM)BIOS information -- dynamic library More...

libsmbios aims towards providing access to as much BIOS information as
possible. It does this by providing a library of functions that can be used
as well as sample binaries.

This is the XML abstraction layer lib.


Source (dsc):mbpeventd_0.9-1.dsc
Source (orig.tar.gz):mbpeventd_0.9.orig.tar.gz
Source (diff.gz):mbpeventd_0.9-1.diff.gz
Description:Apple MacBook Pro & MacBook hotkeys event handler More...

mbpeventd handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro and MacBook
laptops and adjusts the LCD backlight, sound volume, keyboard backlight
or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.

mbpeventd also monitors the ambient light sensors to automatically
light up the keyboard backlight on the MacBook Pro.

Optional support for the Apple Remote control is available.
