Mental PPC Corp repository v6.06
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Component games

This section contains games packages. Sometimes, the menu for a game in Applications/Games not appear, but it work, so just add yourself your own entry in the menu.

You can use apt to download and install the packages. Use the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and use the command sudo apt-get update to enable downloading from this component.

Don't forget to read the notice on the frontpage!

deb dapper-mppc games
deb-src dapper-mppc games


Version: (changes)
armagetronad ( dapper; urgency=low
  • Initial release
Source (dsc):armagetronad_0.
Source (orig.tar.gz):armagetronad_0.
Source (diff.gz):armagetronad_0.
Description:3D Tron-like high speed game More...

The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only
turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have
to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get your
opponent to run into them.

The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever
wanted to take a try at one of those speed demons features in the movie, this
is your chance. Of all the Tron clones out there, I think one is the one that
comes closest to the feeling the movie tries to express. This is in part
thanks to the sophisticated camera motions, in part to the superb modelling
work and in part to the fabulous sound effects. To add some extra fascination
into the game, unlike to other Tron clones, in armagetron you can accelerate.
Alas, there's no accelerate button. If you want to drive fast, you have to
drive well -- and really really close to the walls.

Armagetron can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the
network, or a mixture of both.



Source (dsc):openalchemist_0.2-0ubuntu2.dsc
Source (orig.tar.gz):openalchemist_0.2.orig.tar.gz
Source (diff.gz):openalchemist_0.2-0ubuntu2.diff.gz
Description:Tetris like game More...

This program is a clone of the well known game Tetris. You must fit
the falling pieces to form full lines. You can rotate and translate
the falling piece. The game ends when no more piece can fall ie when
your incomplete lines reach the top of the board.


Description:Tetris like game More...

This program is a clone of the well known game Tetris. You must fit
the falling pieces to form full lines. You can rotate and translate
the falling piece. The game ends when no more piece can fall ie when
your incomplete lines reach the top of the board.

This package contains data like skins. If you want to play the game,
you need to install the package openalchemist.



Version:0.2.0-0ubuntu1~dapper1 (changes)
pouetchess (0.2.0-0ubuntu1~dapper1) dapper; urgency=low
  • Downgrade the version number for my repository, in order to provide smoothtransition to the edgy universe package.
  • debian/control:
    • reverse Standards-Version: 3.6.2
    • reverse Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.7).
Source (dsc):pouetchess_0.2.0-0ubuntu1~dapper1.dsc
Source (orig.tar.gz):pouetchess_0.2.0.orig.tar.gz
Source (diff.gz):pouetchess_0.2.0-0ubuntu1~dapper1.diff.gz
Description:3D chess game More...

pouetChess is a 3 dimensional and open source chess game for Linux.
It has an embedded Artificial Intelligence so engines such as
GNUChess are not even needed.


Description:Data files for the game pouetChess More...

pouetChess is a 3 dimensional and open source chess game for Linux.
It has an embedded Artificial Intelligence so engines such as
GNUChess are not even needed.

This package contains data like the interface and the AI engine. If
you want to play the game, you need to install the package pouetchess.

