M e n u s

View menu

Settings of the canvas:

Zoom set to normal size (100%)

Predefined values for zoom (25%, 200%, etc.)

Zoom forward
The value increases of the double of the value indicated at the bottom of the Sketch window.

Zoom backward
The value decreases of the double of the value indicated at the bottom of the Sketch window.

Zoom (option)
When activated, the mouse will be a magnifier. Click to zoom.

Adapt to window
Adapt all the objects to the window size.

Adapt the selection to the window.
Automatically adapt the selected object to the window size.

Adapt the page to the window
Adjust the page to the window size.

Restore the previous view
Return to the view before a zoom.

This command is used to re-calculate the display of the objects on the canvas. Use it when some moves let parts of an object on the canvas..

Objects are displayed as lines. Useful when objects hide others.

Display the page
Hide or show the page on the canvas. The page is set with the Sketch's options. This option is activated by default.

Open the palette
Open the palette at the bottom of the Sketch's window. Double-click on a color to validate it in the "Filling up palette".
P r e v i o u s   p a g e
N e x t   p a g e
R u b r i c   s u m m a r y
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